30 March 2009


"When you're on the battlefield, you switch off your soul, otherwise you would die of terror – you would die of fear. You switch off your soul and you act like an animal or a machine. People under fire change greatly. You know what my first response was? When I found myself under fire, and I could literally see the Egyptian soldiers – it was in '67 – these Egyptian soldiers on the next hill, firing mortar shells at us, and the mortar shells exploding in armies. My immediate instinct was, 'call the police. These people are insane. They can see that there are people here and they are shooting at us.' Maybe that was the last sane response on the battlefield: 'call the police'."
Amos Oz on war, peace and life as an outsider


Immortal Ping said...

nicaieri in presa nu se popularizeaza pozitii de genul asta, discursul este mereu radicalizant, trebuie sa iti alegi o pozitie si sa tii cu unii sau cu altii. eu personal ma bucur sa vad israelieni moderati si rationali care se dezic de linia beligeranta a statului. din pacate e greu sa se auda si vocile palestiniene corespondente...

psalmplasma said...

+1 pentru titlu :)

Immortal Ping said...

da da, l-am felicitat si eu personal. m-am dus la el la biro, l-am privit in ochi si i-am zis bravo.

headerul, cough cough?

psalmplasma said...

headerul..aaa.. ce? :)