17 December 2010

beware of the Metatron!

Metatron Personal Harmonizer card - 25% off - Holiday Special Price $67.00 - Regular price $89.00.

The Metatron Personal Harmonizer™ is a credit card-size plastic card embedded with a digital chip. The chip has been charged with the Metatron Technology™, which is a unique Divine Light brought to us through Archangel Metatron.

The Metatron Personal Harmonizer™ has been programmed to carry full-spectrum vibrations of peace, fulfillment, Divine Love, Divine Grace and Divine Truth.

The Metatron Personal Harmonizer™ creates a 10-foot bubble of coherent life-supporting Divine Light around the person carrying this card. Any non-life supporting energy that enters this bubble is instantly transformed into coherent life-supporting energy, which totally transforms chaotic EMFs into coherent fields.

The purpose of the Metatron Personal Harmonizer™ is to:
• Allow you to be more comfortable in your daily life
• Allow you to be more comfortable in challenging situations
• Assist you in being on the cutting edge of bringing Global Peace
• Foster joy, lightness of being, creativity and abundance
• Promote the unfolding of your Divine Purpose
• Assist you in manifesting your heart’s desires
• Help you to have deeper, more restful sleep
• Eliminate travel fatigue and jet lag

To fully activate your card, simply hold the card in your right hand, open your heart and state inwardly, or aloud, your deepest heart’s desires.

BE AWARE that once you take possession of this card, it belongs to ONLY YOU. It therefore, cannot be passed on to another person or successfully be used by another person, even for a moment to experience the energy. The only way to fully experience the Metatron Personal Harmonizer™ card is by taking possession of one (by purchasing or receiving one as a gift).

There is no risk in purchasing a Metatron Personal Harmonizer™ as we offer a 90-day MONEY BACK GUARANTEE of SATISFACTION!!

Go to www.GlobalCoherence.com Click on Products in the menu and scroll down to Metatron Personal Harmonizer™ card.

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