20 August 2009

gods must be crazy

In his recent book, Food of the Gods, Terence McKenna presents a plausible hypothesis that homosapiens descended from psychedelic-using hominids. The ability of psychedelics to facilitate development of the human brain is an important part of his theory.
(The Essential Psychedelic Guide - A BRIEF HISTORY OF PSYCHEDELICS, DM Turner)


Immortal Ping said...

aprob si ader. face tot sensul din lume, cum s-ar zice la supa primordiala s-a adaugat planta primordiala. hai luminare!

✖ sldx ✖ said...
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✖ sldx ✖ said...

Desi sint fan McK, e o problema: psihedelice consuma de o gramada de animale, nu doar early hominids.

Mi se pare mult mai shmechera ipoteza ca ciupercile sint o metoda de comunicare extraterestra, sporii fiind cam singurele "vietati" capabile sa reziste in spatiu indefinitely

psalmplasma said...

pai nu e o problema, pentru ca fara ratiune poti sa bagi orice, oricat.

..da' aia cu sporii chiar e tare, chiar si poetic asa :)