16 April 2009

ce vraji a mai facut wikipedia mea

An antipope (Latin: antipapa) is a person who, in opposition to a sitting Bishop of Rome, makes a widely accepted claim to be the Pope. In the past, antipopes were typically those supported by a fairly significant faction of cardinals and kingdoms. Persons who claim to be the pope but have few followers, such as the modern sedevacantist antipopes, are not generally classified as antipopes, and therefore are ignored for regnal numbering.


The Order of the Occult Hand is a whimsical secret society of journalists who have used the phrase "It was as if an occult hand had…" in print as a sort of inside joke. Since the introduction of the phrase in 1965, the "Order" has been widely exposed in the media. Paul Greenberg reports that as of 2006, the Order has chosen a new secret phrase and is back in operation.

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