27 October 2008

bet you didn't know that, level 7

Deep in the Andean foothills of Chile’s central valley lives a group of German expatriates, the members of a utopian experiment called Colonia Dignidad. They have resided there for decades, separate from the community around them, but widely known and admired, and respected for their cleanliness, their wealth, and their work ethic. Their land stretches across 70 square miles, rising gently from irrigated farmland to low, forested hills, against a backdrop of snowcapped mountains. Today Colonia Dignidad is partially integrated with the rest of Chile. For decades, however, its isolation was nearly complete. Its sole connection to the outside world was a long dirt road that wound through tree farms and fields of wheat, corn, and soybeans, passed through a guarded gate, and led to the center of the property, where the Germans lived in an orderly Bavarian-style village of flower gardens, water fountains, and cream-colored buildings with orange tile roofs.



psalmplasma said...


psalmplasma said...

se gaseste pe un dvd pe care i l'am facut cadou lu' cosmin, iar dvdu' se numeste "The Vice guide to travel" - e editat de revista Vice, si are "pastile" de 15-20 de minute cu locuri in care chiar n'ai vrea sa ajungi :)

Gaseste'l si ia'l, face toti banii ;)

Strangelove said...

gata, se scurge spre mine.