26 September 2007

Newton lives

"Externally, the mutil-touch PDA has been described by sources as an ultra-thin "slate" akin to the iPhone, about 1.5 times the size and sporting an approximate 720x480 high-resolution display that comprises almost the entire surface of the unit. The device is further believed to leverage multi-touch concepts which have yet to gain widespread adoption in Apple's existing multi-touch products -- the iPhone and iPod touch -- like drag-and-drop and copy-and-paste."
Rumor: Newton Redux

Newton e un PDA. a fost denumit asa in timpul dezvoltarii lui, respectiv "personal digital assistant", de catre John Sculley, Apple CEO.
in 1993.

1 comment:

psalmplasma said...


Newton, din nou? Am crezut ca am scapat de blestemu' asta odata si pentru totdeauna cu jesusPhone..